Meet the shortlist: Alexandra Page and Stef Murphy

Time to meet the creators of our next amazing shortlisted book: The Fire Fox. This touching and moving exploration of loss is both magical and uplifting, and has the added bonus of taking the readers to the snowy Arctic!

The incredibly talented duo that is Stef and Alexandra have kindly answered our questions below. Thanks so much, both!

Author Alexandra Page

Alexandra’s answers

Did you have a favourite picture book as a child? If so, what was it?

I still have my tattered copy of 'The Foxwood Treasure' by Brian and Cynthia Paterson. It's a longer picture book adventure (I always loved long stories the best, to tease out bedtime), in which a friendly mouse, hedgehog and rabbit venture on a quest to find a new village hall. I love the ramshackle old building they discover amongst the bracken and brambles, and all of the tiny details in the illustrations, which I'd pore over while my poor tired dad spent half an hour reading it to me!

What do you think the best thing about picture books is?

There are such a variety of incredible picture books that it's hard to know what's best about them when they offer so much to everyone! But, I think for me it's that they help us to connect and encourage closeness. I love to cuddle up with my own daughter, read a picture book together and answer her questions.

What’s the best thing about THIS book?

The close collaboration between the words and pictures. It feels to me as if the book is just as it was always meant to be. Stef's illustrations perfectly fit the words and my words were tweaked and adjusted many times to better complement Stef's compositions. The overall design and flow feels like a harmony and I'm so proud of it.

Did you have a favourite character to write?

I'm tempted to say the fire fox, but actually it was Freya. I had to delve deep into my memory of the feelings I had when my family separated, to feel as she must feel throughout the story. Freya is very personal to me.

Please tell us what makes you most excited about being on the OBP shortlist

It's been my dream to be a picture book author, but I couldn't have imagined that my stories would be paired with such beautiful illustrations as Stef's. For us to be shortlisted for this incredible award together, as debuts, feels extraordinarily special.

Stef created this magical illustration just for us - thank you, Stef!

Stef’s answers

Did you have a favourite book as a child? If so, what was it?

A very hard question as there were so many books I loved as a child! The Hat by Tommy Ungerer was a real favourite, there’s so much comedy in his drawings. I adored the Brambly Hedge series by Jill Barklem, I could pour over those beautifully detailed illustrations for hours. I remember desperately wanting to try the hot cup of acorn coffee they drink at the end of The Autumn Story! Nick Butterworth’s Percy the Park Keeper books were another bedtime staple. My dad is well known for donning a hanky hat so there was a warming familiarity to his character. Ah, I could go on!

Illustrator Stef Murphy

What do you think the best thing about picture books is?

I really think there is nothing quite like picture books! As a child, picture books were like gateways to exciting new worlds. They sparked my imagination, made me laugh out loud and gave me comfort if I was feeling scared. One of my favourite things to do as a child was to look for the untold narratives happening amongst the illustrations. I’d explore the pages for ages making up my own little stories. I think that’s what’s so special about picture books, the collaboration between words and pictures opens up so many possibilities. The shared experience of reading a picture book is so special. I love reading to my nieces and nephews, it’s a wonderful excuse to forget about the day's worries and lose myself in silly voices or questionable animal impressions!

What’s the best thing about this book

The Fire Fox is the first picture book I have illustrated and I think that will always make it particularly special to me. Alex’s lyrical writing is so transportive and bursting with hope. The mother is such a wonderful character and she really stands out for me. Although she only features briefly, her strength in a time of loss shines through. The feeling that you are loved and that our loved ones never truly leave us is such a wonderful message for children and adults alike. I know I would have loved this story as a child as much as I do now.

Did you have a favourite character to draw?

I loved drawing the fox. I looked at lots of pictures and videos of arctic foxes to gather inspiration for the character. They are such beautiful animals to study, especially the way they jump and dive into the snow. Drawing that little leaping fox during all the uncertainty of the pandemic brought so much joy into my day and I am very grateful for that.

What makes you most excited about being on the OBP shortlist?

I think it’s wonderful that Oscar’s parents have chosen to honour his memory in such a beautiful way. To be considered amongst such an incredible line up is really exciting!